I want to find synonyms using Arabic wordnet in java , I see this question before here , I used the same code source , but it didn't worked. Maybe because i'm using Arabic word net ? I found also a lien http://javatutorialandprojects.blogspot.com/2012/10/finding-synonyms-and-hyponyms-for-words.html . I'm getting an error message :
Exception in thread "main" edu.smu.tspell.wordnet.impl.file.RetrievalException: Error opening index file: F:\TPRI2\AWN\lib\index.sense (Le chemin d’accès spécifié est introuvable) This is the code source i used
package lucene.ri;
import edu.smu.tspell.wordnet.NounSynset;
import edu.smu.tspell.wordnet.Synset;
import edu.smu.tspell.wordnet.SynsetType;
import edu.smu.tspell.wordnet.WordNetDatabase;
public class wordnet
public static void main(String args[])
String a[]=new String[2];
int j=0;
System.setProperty("wordnet.database.dir", "F:\\TPRI2\\AWN\\lib");
NounSynset nounSynset;
NounSynset[] hyponyms;
WordNetDatabase database = WordNetDatabase.getFileInstance();
Synset[] synsets = database.getSynsets(a[j], SynsetType.NOUN);
for (int i = 0; i < synsets.length; i++)
nounSynset = (NounSynset)(synsets[i]);
hyponyms = nounSynset.getHyponyms();
System.err.println(nounSynset.getWordForms()[0] +": " + nounSynset.getDefinition() + ") has " + hyponyms.length + " hyponyms");
The source code you are showing
System.setProperty("wordnet.database.dir", "F:\\TPRI2\\AWN\\lib");
That means: your code is telling WordNet where to look for things. Thus: are you sure that the index file mentioned in that error message does really exist in that directly.
And as you now figured: that file is not there; well you have to search for it.
Maybe you are lucky and this helps: check if there is a file sense.idx; and if so, rename (or create a copy) as index.sense