I have the following problem, when I pass GString to SQL.executeInsert, the text variables are not automatically souranded by '
so the insert query failes:
String value4fa = "I would like to get know"
int value4fb = 2
def query = "INSERT INTO TAB_A (F_A, F_B) VALUES (${value4fa}, ${value4fb})"
If I put '
by myself:
def query = "INSERT INTO TAB_A (F_A, F_B) VALUES ('${value4fa}', ${value4fb})"
Groovy informs me that I have introduced a security hole, because Groovy can not use PreparedStatement to execute the SQL query.
Could anybody explain me how to force Groovy to evaluate query body correctly and prepare the variables?
I have not tested this idea, but the code for 2.4.4 is here.
The execute(String sql, List<Object> params)
method uses prepared statements.
Given that, consider this example:
firstName = "yue"
lastName = "wu"
sql.execute("insert into people (firstName, lastName) "+
" values (?,?)", [firstName, lastName])
If necessary, it is easy to add single-quotes to the variables themselves (rather than the SQL string).