
Clean logarithmic scale (loglog) plot

I have this loglog plot that I would like to clean up on y-axis which, you see below, is a bit of a mess.

my plot

I would like the plot to look like this:

expected results

More specifically I want to remove the ticks that are visible between the values (0, 10e-2, 10e-4, 10e-6, 10e-8, 10e-10). How to achieve this?


  • You can turn the minor ticks off:

    y = logspace(1,-8,5);
    x = logspace(0.5,2,5);
    grid on
    ax = gca;
    ax.YAxis.MinorTick = 'off'; % and the same for the X-axis
    ax.FontSize = 16;
