In RadListView, is it possible to scroll to a specific y-position.
The problem is if I navigate to another page from a RadListView page and then come back - it initializes to the top of the listview. I would prefer to the same y position the user was at before navigating to another page.
I think there's a scroll-to-item method - but that's not necessarily the same y position.
You can cache your index using observable ViewModel and pass it when needed (in this case on the loaded event for your list - that is when the users will return back to the list page and the list will load)
e.g. TypeScript
export function onListLoaded(args: RadListwModule.ListViewEventData) {
list = <RadListwModule.RadListView>args.object;
if (list.items) {
export function onItemTap(args: RadListwModule.ListViewEventData) {
var tappedItemIndex = args.itemIndex;
// "cache" the index of our tapped item
roversViewModel.set("cachedIndex", tappedItemIndex);
// navigate to details page or do what you want to do on itemTap
<lv:RadListView items="{{ dataItems }}" loaded="onListLoaded" itemTap="onItemTap">
Also give your cachedIndex initial value of 0 for the first time the list is loaded.
Example based on this POC app . Note that is not exactly the same as scroll-to-the-exact-y-position but you can modify the logic and scroll further to the exact position with getting the cells relative position offset.