
Using variables in a PL/pgSQL function

Postgres PL/pgSQL docs say:

For any SQL command that does not return rows, for example INSERT without a RETURNING clause, you can execute the command within a PL/pgSQL function just by writing the command.

Any PL/pgSQL variable name appearing in the command text is treated as a parameter, and then the current value of the variable is provided as the parameter value at run time.

But when I use variable names in my queries I get an error:

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "email"
LINE 16: ...d,email,password) values(identity_id,current_ts,''email'',''...

This is my function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION app.create_identity(email varchar,passwd varchar)
RETURNS integer as $$
    current_ts          integer;
    new_identity_id     integer;
    int_max             integer;
    int_min             integer;
    SELECT extract(epoch FROM now())::integer INTO current_ts;
    int_max:= 2147483647;
            SELECT floor(int_min + (int_max - int_min + 1) * random()) INTO new_identity_id;
            IF new_identity_id != 0 THEN
                INSERT into app.identity(identity_id,date_inserted,email,password) values(identity_id,current_ts,''email'',''passwd'');
                RETURN new_identity_id;
            END IF;
            WHEN unique_violation THEN
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Why when I use variables in the query, Postgres throws an error. How is this supposed to be written?


  • About quoting:

    About naming conflicts:

    Better solution

    I suggest a completely different approach to begin with:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION app.create_identity(_email text, _passwd text
                                                 , OUT new_identity_id int)
      LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
    /* + Generate completely random int4 numbers +
    -- integer (= int4) in Postgres is a signed integer occupying 4 bytes
    -- int4 ranges from -2147483648 to +2147483647, i.e. -2^31 to 2^31 - 1
    -- Multiply bigint 4294967296 (= 2^32) with random() (0.0 <= x < 1.0)
    --   trunc() the resulting (positive!) float8 - cheaper than floor()
    --   add result to -2147483648 and cast the next result back to int4
    -- The result fits the int4 range *exactly*
       _current_ts int := extract(epoch FROM now());
          INSERT INTO app.identity
                (identity_id, date_inserted,  email ,  password)
          SELECT _random_int, _current_ts  , _email , _passwd
          FROM  (SELECT (bigint '-2147483648'       -- could be int, but sum is bigint anyway
                       + bigint '4294967296' * random())::int) AS t(_random_int)  -- random int
          WHERE  _random_int <> 0                   -- exclude 0 (no insert)
          ON     CONFLICT (identity_id) DO NOTHING  -- no exception raised!
          RETURNING identity_id                     -- return *actually* inserted identity_id
          INTO   new_identity_id;                   -- OUT parameter, returned at end
          EXIT WHEN FOUND;                          -- exit after success
          -- maybe add counter and raise warning/exception when exceeding 5/10 (?) iterations
       END LOOP;

    Major points