I'm running an express server and just put up JWT protection on my endpoints. I was testing out my /graphql
endpoint and I am receiving a 403 Not allowed to provide a JWT token
error. My other endpoints work fine, so I don't believe it is an issue with the JWT signing or verification. Any ideas?
var jwt = require('express-jwt');
var app = express();
var jwtCheck = jwt({
secret: new Buffer(config.secret, 'base64'),
audience: aud,
issuer: iss
// enforce on all endpoints
app.use('/', postgraphql(config.db_string, config.db_schema, {
development: true,
log: true,
secret: config.secret,
graphiql: true,
Figured it out, problem was with not passing the correct parameters to PostgraphQL
. If you pass a JWT token in the Authorization header to PostgraphQL
, it expects a secret. If the secret does not exist, then PostgraphQL
will throw the error 403 Not allowed to provide a JWT