I have a CarService Class:
public class CarService {
public Car getCar(){
Car car = new Car();
return car;
which I expose through a jetty endpoint using camel restdsl defined in a RouteBuilder that is injected through CDI.
rest("/cars").get().route().bean(CarService.class, "getCar");
This is my Unit Test
public void restTest() throws Exception {
Main booter = new Main();
HttpResponse<JsonNode> carResponse =
String s = carResponse.getBody().toString();
assertEquals("{\"id\":\"1\",\"brand\":\"hello\"}", s);
Main is from org.apache.camel.cdi
and I am using uniRest to send the HTTP request (http://unirest.io/java.html)
when running the unit test, it pass, but if I put a breakpoint in the getCar() method, the breakpoint is not hit.
rmq: I also tried with producerTemplate like so
List<CamelContext> contexts = ngbaMain.getCamelContexts();
FluentProducerTemplate fpt = DefaultFluentProducerTemplate.on(contexts.get(0));
Object result = fpt.to("jetty:http://localhost:8889/cars?httpMethodRestrict=GET")
but it didn't work either...
Could someone give me some insights how I could do this? Is this possible... It would be great to test endpoints...
I am testing with IntelliJ, and if I hit F7 on the following line:
HttpResponse<JsonNode> carResponse =
that is I step into (strangely just one or two F7 hits is enough) I get in my CarService... so perhaps it's more an IntelliJ thing than camel or jetty or....
As I stated in my question UPDATE, when stepping into a unirest class and then resume, I can hit the breakpoint. so it's more an IDE related problem.