I have a function somewhere called x
that returns a know value and has known parameters:
int x(int y);
I have somewhere else, I want to create a container to contain n
invocations of this function. Then I want to execute it that many times.
The problem is, I don't want to rely on it being an int
return type. I need to deduce the return type at compile time. Something like:
std::vector<result_of<x(int)>::type> results;
But I don't want to have to specify the parameter values because they're static.
You can create your own traits, something like:
template <typename F> struct my_result_of;
template <typename F> struct my_result_of<F*> : my_result_of<F> {};
template <typename Ret, typename ... Ts>
struct my_result_of<Ret(Ts...)>
using type = Ret;
template <typename F> using my_result_of_t = typename my_result_of<F>::type;
And use it like (assuming no overloads of x
std::vector<my_result_of_t<decltype(x)>::type> results;