
Table design and class hierarchies

Hopefully someone can shed some light on this issue through either an example, or perhaps some suggested reading. I'm wondering what is the best design approach for modeling tables after their class hierarchy equivalencies. This can best be described through an example:

abstract class Card{
    private $_name = '';
    private $_text = '';

class MtgCard extends Card{
    private $_manaCost = '';
    private $_power = 0;
    private $_toughness = 0;
    private $_loyalty = 0;

class PokemonCard extends Card{
    private $_energyType = '';
    private $_hp = 0;
    private $_retreatCost = 0;

Now, when modeling tables to synchronize with this class hierarchy, I've gone with something very similar:

  id            INT, AUTO_INCREMENT, PK
  name          VARCHAR(255)
  text          TEXT

  id            INT, AUTO_INCREMENT, PK
  card_id       INT, FK(
  manacost      VARCHAR(32)
  power         INT
  toughness     INT
  loyalty       INT

TABLE PokemonCard
  id            INT, AUTO_INCREMENT, PK
  card_id       INT, FK(
  hp            INT
  energytype    ENUM(...)
  retreatcost   INT

The problem I'm having is trying to figure out how to associate each Card record with the record containing it's details from the corresponding table. Specifically, how to determine what table I should be looking in.

Should I add a VARCHAR column to Card to hold the name of the associated table? That's the only resolution that my peers and I have come to, but it seems too "dirty". Keeping the design extensible is the key here, allowing for the easy addition of new subclasses.

If someone could provide an example or resources showing a clean way of mirroring class/table hierarchies, it would be most appreciated.


  • Google "generalization specialization relational modeling". You'll find several excellent articles on the subject of how to model the gen-spec pattern using relational tables. This same question has been asked many times in SO, with slightly different details.

    The best of these articles will confirm your decision to have one table for generalized data and separate tables for specialized data. The biggest difference will be the way they recommend using primary and foreign keys. Basically, they recommend that specialized tables have a single column that does double duty. It serves as the primary key to the specialized table, but it's also a foreign key that duplicates the PK of the generalized table.

    This is a little complicated to maintain, but it's very sweet at join time.

    Also keep in mind that DDL is required when a new class is added to the hierarchy.