
Strings as argument to function Scheme Racket

I want to get two strings as arguments, and check if the first string is the beginning of the second string. I cannot get that since I don't know how to get strings as arguments to my function.

(define starts-with( lambda (prefix str)
                  (define str2 (string->list (str)))
                  (define prefix2 (string->list (prefix)))
( cond ( (= (string-length(prefix2) 0) display "#t")
      ( (= car(prefix2) car(str2)) (starts-with (cdr(prefix2)cdr(str2) ) ) )
      ( display "#f")))))

Error:  application: not a procedure; expected a procedure that can be
 applied to arguments

given: "ab" arguments...: [none]

Can anyone explain me what is my mistake, and in general how scheme works with lists or strings.. ? I want to have:

 (starts-with "baz" "bazinga!") ;; "#t"


  • The problem is not how to pass strings as arguments, the problem is... that you have to understand how Scheme works in the first place. The parentheses are in all the wrong places, some are missing, some are unnecessary, and the way you're invoking procedures is incorrect. There are so many mistakes in your code that a complete rewrite is needed:

    (define (starts-with prefix str)
      (let loop ((prefix2 (string->list prefix)) ; convert strings to char lists 
                 (str2 (string->list str)))      ; but do it only once at start
        (cond ((null? prefix2) #t) ; if the prefix is empty, we're done
              ((null? str2) #f)    ; if the string is empty, then it's #f
              ((equal? (car prefix2) (car str2)) ; if the chars are equal
               (loop (cdr prefix2) (cdr str2)))  ; then keep iterating
              (else #f))))                       ; otherwise it's #f

    Be aware of the following errors in your original implementation: