I've search all evening to find a solution but the few I found does not stick with the newer version of grails that I use.
I know that it was limited to 6 fields before but now I can see 7. But I need a lot more columns, no matter that the page will be cluttered.
I have also checked the code that the f:table tag constructs and can not see that there is any limitation there.
I do not know what to do, I need to have this application ready tomorrow morning so I'm desperate finding a solution. Please help..
I use GRAILS-3.2.3. I can take any domain just it have more than 7 fields the 8th and upwards will not be displayed.
I use the grails command: ("generate-all" domain) to create controllers and views. And without doing anything more I get this problem. Therefore I didn't think I needed to bring any code to show - anyone trying to this should get the same problem.
Below is the template for index.gsp -- Can anyone explain where the limitation of number of columns is made here?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="layout" content="main" />
<g:set var="entityName" value="\${message(code: '${propertyName}.label', default: '${className}')}" />
<title><g:message code="default.list.label" args="[entityName]" /></title>
<a href="#list-${propertyName}" class="skip" tabindex="-1"><g:message code="default.link.skip.label" default="Skip to content…"/></a>
<div class="nav" role="navigation">
<li><a class="home" href="\${createLink(uri: '/')}"><g:message code="default.home.label"/></a></li>
<li><g:link class="create" action="create"><g:message code="default.new.label" args="[entityName]" /></g:link></li>
<div id="list-${propertyName}" class="content scaffold-list" role="main">
<h1><g:message code="default.list.label" args="[entityName]" /></h1>
<g:if test="\${flash.message}">
<div class="message" role="status">\${flash.message}</div>
<f:table collection="\${${propertyName}List}" />
<div class="pagination">
<g:paginate total="\${${propertyName}Count ?: 0}" />
I've made my last trial tonight, I'll continue tomorrow morning again because I think I need to hard code everything to get ready. It was a nice advice to have a look at that "Anorak-Girl" report, but the source of the f:table-tag didn't show any limitation - so where can it be? Thanks a lot but there's still a lot to do....I'll come back and good night.
Below is the code of _table.gsp or f:table-tag.
<g:each in="${domainProperties}" var="p" status="i">
<g:set var="propTitle">${domainClass.propertyName}.${p.name}.label</g:set>
<g:sortableColumn property="${p.name}" title="${message(code: propTitle, default: p.naturalName)}" />
<g:each in="${collection}" var="bean" status="i">
<tr class="${(i % 2) == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'}">
<g:each in="${domainProperties}" var="p" status="j">
<g:if test="${j==0}">
<td><g:link method="GET" resource="${bean}"><f:display bean="${bean}" property="${p.name}" displayStyle="${displayStyle?:'table'}" /></g:link></td>
<td><f:display bean="${bean}" property="${p.name}" displayStyle="${displayStyle?:'table'}" /></td>
possibly a limitation around f:table
. Having had a look around:
Finally… how to customise the f:table tag:
Place a file called _table.gsp in /grails-app/views/templates/_fields/
To do this manually:
An example and here you can iterate through your own property manually.
so in your case
<g:each in="\${${propertyName}List}" var="myDom">
<tr><td>${myDom.id}</td><td>${myDom.name}</td><td>and so on</td></tr>