
Spark 2.0 implicit encoder, deal with missing column when type is Option[Seq[String]] (scala)

I'm having some trouble encoding data when some columns that are of type Option[Seq[String]] are missing from our data source. Ideally I would like the missing column data to be filled with None.


We have some parquet files that we are reading in that have column1 but not column2.

We load the data in from these parquet files into a Dataset, and cast it as MyType.

case class MyType(column1: Option[String], column2: Option[Seq[String]])"dataSource.parquet").as[MyType]

org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot resolve 'column2' given input columns: [column1];

Is there a way to create the Dataset with column2 data as None?


  • In simple cases you can provide an initial schema which is a superset of expected schemas. For example in your case:

    val schema = Seq[MyType]().toDF.schema
    Seq("a", "b", "c").map(Option(_))
    val df ="/tmp/column1only").as[MyType]
    |      a|   null|
    |      b|   null|
    |      c|   null|
    MyType = MyType(Some(a),None)

    This approach can be a little bit fragile so in general you should rather use SQL literals to fill the blanks:"/tmp/column1only")
      // or ArrayType(StringType)
      .withColumn("column2", lit(null).cast("array<string>"))
    MyType = MyType(Some(a),None)