I have a vector of values and each value is associated with a name; length of vector changes as per the user input. Although I used table
related commands, I like to know other ways to display this kind of data, which is essentially a vector (a single row) of values with names). The problem shows up when selected sample size produces the output that is greater than screen width. Scrolling horizontally allows flexibility to glance over the data, but I am looking for a solution that wraps up the data at the screen width and prints in multiple rows without the need to scroll. Here is the code to play:
ui <- fluidPage(
numericInput("samsize","specify sample size",4,1,52),
server <- function(input, output) {
data <- reactive({
# create a vector of lower- and upper- case alphabets
# create a vector assigning numbers to alphabets
alphabets <- c(letters,LETTERS)
Index <- seq(1,length(alphabets),1)
names(Index) <- alphabets
# sample values
SampleIndex <- sample(Index,input$samsize)
# convert it into a matrix
data <- matrix(SampleIndex,nrow=1)
output$table <- renderTable(data(),digits = 0)
shinyApp(ui, server)
As you see in the below picture, for a sample size '36' one need to scroll the page horizontally to see all the values.
in renderTable
did not offer any solution
Converting data into a html object/text might be one option, but not sure how to retain the names.
You can use renderUI
together with uiOutput
to create yourself the HTML object you want to display for example using div
ui <- fluidPage(
numericInput("samsize","specify sample size",4,1,52),
server <- function(input, output) {
data <- reactive({
alphabets <- c(letters,LETTERS)
Index <- seq(1,length(alphabets),1)
names(Index) <- alphabets
# Notice I don't put the vector in a one row matrix as in you example
library(purrr) # map is a nice alternative to lapply
output$myTable <- renderUI(map(names(data()),~div(strong(.),
style="float:left;padding:10px 20px;")))
shinyApp(ui, server)