I am using graphql-express to create an endpoint where I can execute graphql queries in. Although I am using Sequelize with a SQL database it feels wrong to use it directly from the server outside of my graphql resolve
functions. How do I go about querying my graphql API from the same server as it was defined in?
This is how I set up my graphql endpoint:
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const graphqlHTTP = require('express-graphql');
const gqlOptions = {
schema: require('./schema')
router.use('/', graphqlHTTP(gqlOptions));
modules.exports = router;
Basically what I want is to be able to do something like this:
user(id: ${id}) {
How would I create this query
GraphQL.js itself does not require a http server to run. express-graphql is just a helper to mount the query resolver to a http endpoint.
You can pass your schema and the query to graphql
, it'll return a Promise that'll resolve the query to the data.
graphql({schema, requestString}).then(result => {
const {graphql} = require('graphql');
const schema = require('./schema');
function query (requestString) {
return graphql({schema, requestString});
user(id: ${id}) {
`).then(data => {