
Crosswalk build one APK file only

I am build html5 android app using crosswalk. When i do build android it outputs two separate APK files, one for armv7 and one for x86. i just want one form armv7 only but always result bot architectures even if i put target param in command. i did these commands but still make 2 files:

what is actually right command to build armv7 only?


  • You have to precede options with minus signs.
    One if you use the shortcut (-t) or two if you use the entire name (--targets).

    crosswalk-pkg -t="armeabi-v7a" path #builds only v7a
    crosswalk-pkg -t="arm" path #builds both arm v7a & v8a
    crosswalk-pkg --targets="32" ./ #<default> builds both arm & x86 for 32bits