This is a short question:
Android Nougat 7.1 has a new feature for launchers, to create app-shortcuts by showing a menu to choose from them:
From what I see, if you use dynamic ones, you can put anything you wish into them, but can static shortcuts (those that are pre-determined via XML) have extras in them? Meaning: can I put, for example, a string in the bundle of the intent of shortcuts ? Or can I only choose which action each of them will have?
I ask this because I don't see it mentioned there.
Yes, as per R.styleable#Intent:
Declaration of an Intent object in XML. May also include zero or more
Parsing the Intent can be seen in the Intent.parseIntent source code, where you'll see it parses the extra
tags with Resources.parseBundleExtra(), which supports Strings, booleans, integers, and floats.
<intent android:action="YOUR_ACTION" >
<extra android:name="extra_name" android:value="extra_value" />