Pretty new at python and I'm struggling with something. I'm breaking out a bunch of data points from a CSV file, one point which is a date (mm/dd/yyyy). I'm taking that date and splitting it at each "/" in order to separate the respective parts into separate lists. That is where I'm having trouble. At the end of my code when I try to print each index of the list beyond zero I get these errors. Ultimately the thing I want to do with these three individual date objects is add them as sub-lists to the end of my existing ptInfo List (ptInfo[8], ptInfo[9], ptInfo[10]) How can I do this?
Runtime error (IndexOutOfRangeException): index out of range: 1 Traceback: line 51, in script
Runtime error (IndexOutOfRangeException): index out of range: 2 Traceback: line 52, in script
#import Points from CSV
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import sys
import datetime
input_file = 'C:\Users\kenma\Dropbox (Personal)\Solo Work\Projects\Sweet Crude\Work\data\prepared_uic_data.csv'
#Init Lists
a = []
apis = [] #0
operators = [] #1
operatorNums = [] #2
wellTypes = [] #3
dates = [] #4
lats= [] #5
longs = [] #6
zoneAreas = [] #7
dateFrag = []
dateM = [] #8
dateD = [] #9
dateY = [] #10
file = open(input_file, 'r') #open file for reading
lines = file.readlines() #read lines into variable
file.close() #close the file
del lines[0] #delete first header line
for line in lines:
#remove the /n
line = line.strip()
# split line by the column
ptInfo = line.split(',')
a = ptInfo
# split line data into individual arrays
dateFrag = ptInfo[4].split("/")
how do I then add those three list elements to my ptInfo List?
>>> pt_info = ['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> d = '01/02/03'
>>> d.split('/')
['01', '02', '03']
>>> pt_info.extend(d.split('/'))
>>> pt_info
['a', 'b', 'c', '01', '02', '03']