
Add xml element in a xml file using shell script

i have an xml file where i need to add data, i tried using sed. Could anyone help me out where i am doing wrong.

i have an xml file like this :

<!DOCTYPE sf-migration
PUBLIC "-//VA Software, Inc.//DTD SourceForge Migration 1.0//EN"
<sf-migration toVersion="" fromVersion="">

Now i need to add the below file in users :

<sfuser xid="user1000">
           <dateCreated>2016-12-20 14:02:23 CET</dateCreated>
           <dateLastModified>2016-12-20 14:02:23 CET</dateLastModified>

And my output should be the below :

enter <!DOCTYPE sf-migration
PUBLIC "-//VA Software, Inc.//DTD SourceForge Migration 1.0//EN"
<sf-migration toVersion="" fromVersion="">
<sfuser xid="user1000">
<dateCreated>2016-12-20 14:02:23 CET</dateCreated>
<dateLastModified>2016-12-20 14:02:23 CET</dateLastModified>

I use the below shell script to append the text :

CONTENT=give the suer content
C=$(echo $CONTENT | sed 's/\//\\\//g')
sed "/<\/users>/ s/.*/${C}\n&/" /tmptest/user1.xml

What am i doing wrong ? is there any other simple way to add element in xml ? and i need this to be done in shell, as my complete code is in shell


  • Working with multiple files and escaping on the command line is super error-prone and hacky. You can achieve the same with a really small script in most languages. Here's an example in Python 2:

    template = open("user.xml").read()
    snippet = open("user_data.xml").read()
    result = template.replace("</users>", snippet + "</users>")
    open("user.xml", "w").write(result)


    <!DOCTYPE sf-migration PUBLIC "-//VA Software, Inc.//DTD SourceForge Migration 1.0//EN" "/opt/add-ons/import-6.1/dtd/sf-migration_1_0.dtd"> <sf-migration toVersion="" fromVersion="">
        <sfuser xid="user1000">
               <dateCreated>2016-12-20 14:02:23 CET</dateCreated>
               <dateLastModified>2016-12-20 14:02:23 CET</dateLastModified>

    If you need to do this more often, use this script:

    import sys
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:
      print "This script prepends the given pattern in a template with a snippet. Both snippet and template are files."
      print "Usage:"
      print sys.argv[0] + " template snippet replacementpattern"
    template = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
    snippet = open(sys.argv[2]).read()
    pattern = sys.argv[3]
    if not pattern in template:
      print "Template doesn't contain the pattern."
    print template.replace(pattern, snippet + pattern)


    ./prepend.py template.xml snippet.xml "</users>"