
Java - Open SSH client and send command

I'm building an app that needed to open a new SSH connection for the user, and then send automatically a command. The app need to run on Windows, i thought about using putty to the SSH client and then send the command but the command don't sent to putty. Anyone have any idea how can i implement this?

This is my code:

String command = puttyPath + " -ssh user@localhost"
process =  Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
OutputStream out = process.getOutputStream();
Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out);
process.waitFor(600_000, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Is there any possible to send only one command to putty and the putty will know to send it to the remote server?


  • You can try to add for your command the "-m" and a file with secondCommand. For more read about enter link description here