
Extract query parts from a SelectQuery (or equivalents)?

I have the following situation:

Class A extends B. Other classes, such as C, D, etc. also extend B In Class B, I would like to situate logic with regard to general information common to A, C, and D.

Hence, I would like to have a general query in B that retrieves all general info, but also be able to pass a Query to B so that the correct joins and conditions are fulfilled. Basically:

public B getB(String bUuid, Query extendedQuery) {

    SelectQuery bQuery = ...* general B columns */)
                                .select(/* SELECT part from extended query */)
                                .from(/* general B tables */)
                                .from(/* FROM part from extended query */) // maybe join with some if else logic instead 
                                .where(/* general B conditions */)
                                .where(/* WHERE part of extended query */)

Is this possible using JOOQ? I would really not like to use plain SQL execution unless absolutely necessary.


Using the below answer, this is the final code I have that I am quite satisfied with:

public Record getB(String bUuid, Consumer<SelectQuery> extender)

Which I call as follows:

Record r = B.getB(uuid, query -> {

And in getB, after making our "general" SelectQuery query, we simply call:


Afterwards we can simply do query.fetchOne() with our enhanced query.


  • Think functional, not object oriented! This would be a much simpler approach:

    public B getB(
        String bUuid,
        Supplier<? extends Collection<? extends Field<?>>> select,
        Supplier<? extends Collection<? extends Table<?>>> from,
        Supplier<? extends Collection<? extends Condition>> where
    ) {
        List<Field<?>> allSelect = new ArrayList<>();
        allSelect.addAll(/* general B columns */);
        List<Table<?>> allFrom = new ArrayList<>();
        allFrom.addAll(/* general B tables */);
        List<Table<?>> allWhere = new ArrayList<>();
        allWhere.addAll(/* general B conditions*/);

    Now, you can call this higher-order function like so:

        () -> Arrays.asList(A.COL1, A.COL2, A.COL3),
        () -> Arrays.asList(A),
        () -> Arrays.asList(A.B_ID.eq(B.ID),"%ABC%"))