
Trouble getting properties and object structured correctly

I am trying to create an object with properties identical to the code below. The following bit of code creates the $TempValueICM object with 2 added NoteProperties:

$TempValueICM = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computer -ScriptBlock {
                $AppPull = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* |
                    Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion}

It creates $temptValueICM as an array object with NoteProperties of DisplayName and Display version which appear like this:

DisplayVersion :

DisplayName : Conexant 20561 SmartAudio HD

DisplayVersion :

DisplayName : Connection Manager

DisplayVersion :

DisplayName : MouseSuite98


I am trying to pull the same data using .NET pull with the following code:

$Hive = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine
$AppAddressMain = "software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\"
$AppAddressWOW = "software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\"

Function Get-InstalledApps {
    param ($MainHive, $Computer, [string[]]$RegAddress)

    Foreach($Address in $RegAddress) {
        $RegBaseKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($MainHive, $computer)
        $RegSubKey= $RegBaseKey.OpenSubKey($Address)
        foreach($Subkey in $RegSubKey.GetSubKeyNames()){
            $AppAddress = $Address + $Subkey

            $DisplayName = $($RegBaseKey.OpenSubKey($AppAddress)).GetValue("DisplayName")
            $DisplayVersion = $($RegBaseKey.OpenSubKey($AppAddress)).GetValue("DisplayVersion")
            Write-Output  @{
                DisplayName = $DisplayName
                DisplayVersion = $DisplayVersion

This produces a Hash table data and I can get some information out and access it by using dot notation (e.g. - "$TempValue.DisplayName") but when looking at the object it is showing only "keys" and "values" as object properties for $TempValue object instead of what I would want to be the property names (e.g. - DisplayName and DisplayVersion).

I have tried creating a temporary variable within the function to hold the data as properties e.g. -

 $Temp = "" | select DisplayName, DisplayVersion
     $Temp.DisplayName += ,$DisplayName
     $Temp.Publisher += ,$Publisher
     $Temp.DisplayVersion += ,$DisplayVersion

But that doesn't do it...

Specifically I will eventually have to do a sort-object -properties on it and need for the logic for both functions to be the same (i.e. - so that data can come from either "logic" in the same format so it can be treated the same way.

How do I get the object formatted so the same information is available in the same way as the $TempValueICM above above (i.e. - how do I get the items in the hash table to fill in properties on the object)? Thanks,


  • $Hive = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine
    $AppAddressMain = "software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\"
    $AppAddressWOW = "software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\"
    Function Get-InstalledApps
        param ($MainHive,
        Foreach ($Address in $RegAddress)
            $RegBaseKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($MainHive, $computer)
            $RegSubKey = $RegBaseKey.OpenSubKey($Address)
            $output = @()
            foreach ($Subkey in $RegSubKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                $AppAddress = $Address + $Subkey
                $DisplayName = $($RegBaseKey.OpenSubKey($AppAddress)).GetValue("DisplayName")
                $DisplayVersion = $($RegBaseKey.OpenSubKey($AppAddress)).GetValue("DisplayVersion")
                $output += [PSCustomObject]@{ DisplayName = $DisplayName; DisplayVersion = $DisplayVersion }
        return $output
    Get-InstalledApps -MainHive $Hive -Computer "MyPC" -RegAddress $AppAddressMain | sort DisplayName