I am trying to do authorization in my Ember App(2.10). My workflow is
Problem is i got the JWT token and now i have to login to my emberapp. I am trying to customize torii authenticator here. How can i implement this in ember app. Below is my authenticator:
authenticate() {
return this._super(...arguments).then((torii) => {
const serverTokenEndpoint = this.get('serverTokenEndpoint');
return this.get('ajax').request(serverTokenEndpoint, {
type: 'POST',
data: {
'type': torii.provider,
'client_id': this.client,
'token': torii.authorizationCode
}).then((token) => {
var provider = new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider();
firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
// This gives Facebook Access Token.
// JWT-token=result.user.Cd
// JWT-token.iat at=result.user.ea.Sa
// JWT-token-refresh = result.user.refreshToken
// token = result.user.Cd;
// const expiresAt = this._absolutizeExpirationTime(result.user.ea.Sa);
token = Ember.assign(token, { 'expires_at': result.user.ea.Sa });
// this._scheduleAccessTokenRefresh(result.user.ea.Sa, expiresAt, result.user.refreshToken, torii);
return Ember.assign(token, {'torii': torii});
Check out this guide in the ESA repo. It covers torii and Github auth but the general concepts are the same for your use case.