I have a module like this :
angular.module('BlurAdmin.pages.calendar', [])
/** @ngInject */
function routeConfig($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.state('calendar', {
url: '/calendar',
templateUrl : 'http://localhost:8080/gestionprojet/dashboardCalendar',
title: 'Calendrier'
And a directive :
.directive('dashboardCalendar', dashboardCalendar);
/** @ngInject */
function dashboardCalendar() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
controller: 'DashboardCalendarCtrl',
templateUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/gestionprojet/dashboardCalendar'
And a Controller :
.controller('DashboardCalendarCtrl', DashboardCalendarCtrl);
/** @ngInject */
function DashboardCalendarCtrl(baConfig, $uibModal, $scope, eventFactory) {
* Get Events
$scope.getEvents = function () {
.success(function (data) {
$scope.userEvents = data;
$scope.userEvents = $scope.renderEventJSonToFullCalendar($scope.userEvents);
.error(function (data, status) {
console.log("fail : " + data);
$scope.errorMessage = "Erreur lors du chargement des évènements : " + data + ' ' + status;
And In a partial page I'm init the function in my controller with :
<div ng-init="getEvents()">
<div id='calendar' class="blurCalendar"></div>
Here the function is getting called a 1000 times and counting even when I'm not loading the directive page...
What's the problem here cause I ain't seeing one. Thank you
The problem is I'm putting the same template for the state and the directive