I'm building a simple HTML page, and I have an input field followed by a search button; this is the code:
<input type="text" id="sfield" placeholder="Write something">
<button id="search">Search!</button>
I'm currently writing the javascript to assign some actions to the button and to the input field, when I thought that it would be a good idea to add a feature that needs the cursor to be on the field for the search to start. I'll explain it better: if someone wants to search something, it will appear just like a normal input field and work like that. However, if someone tries to launch a script for auto-submitting the form, it'll act like no input was inserted.
For example, if someone tries to inject this script:
document.getElementById('sfield').value="Some stuff";
the search would start but the "Some stuff" string wouldn't be saved, as if the user clicked the search button without writing in the search field. Furthermore, adding the line
should also do nothing, so that the only way to put the cursor in the field would be a manual action by the user.
I'm wondering if it's possible to make such thing; I already managed to get the search field blank with EventListener, but I don't have a clue about making the script discern whether the user put the cursor on the field or not.
I'd prefer not using JQuery but it's ok also with it. Any idea would be greatly accepted. Thanks.
In that case, the program needs to retain state. I'd do it like this...
<input type="text" id="sfield" placeholder="Write something" data-validated = "false">
<button id="search">Search!</button>
const inputField = document.getElementById('sfield');
const searchButton = document.getElementById('search');
inputField.onfocus = () => {
inputField.setAttribute("data-validated", "true")
searchButton.onclick = () => {
const isValidated = inputField.getAttribute("data-validated");
console.log('Is Validated: ' + isValidated);