So I have a Database class that has a dependency that extends SQLOpenHelper and I am testing using Android instrumented tests and Mockito to mock dependencies. We are noticing that Mockito isn't actually mocking the implementations when doing Mockito.mock(class)
instead the actual code is running and throwing null pointer exceptions as we would expect. On API 19 devices the tests run as expected and the mocks work correctly.
Does anyone have any suggestions or things to try? I've tried real devices and emulators with similar results. Could this be a Mockito issue, or a dex-maker issue? I haven't found any information while searching for it.
After some more testing any class I mock with Mockito actually just uses the implementation. Here are my dependencies
androidTestCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.10.19'
androidTestCompile ''
Note: This is also in a library module if that makes any difference.
So getting rid of our old Mockito dependencies and dexmaker and using the new: Mockito-android
Fixed our issues