I'm trying to find or create a Sensu plugin to count AWS S3 objects within a folder. For example,
All buckets/test1/test2/
I want to know how many objects are within test2 and alert me if the number goes above the threshold.
I found this, but I'n not able to get it to work.
# by default you only get 1000 objects at a time
# so you have to roll your own cursor
objects = []
last_key = nil
new_objects = AWS::S3::Bucket.objects(bucket_name, :marker => last_key)
objects += new_objects
last_key = objects.last.key
end while new_objects.size > 0
# you can easily define the above as an all_objects method on AWS::S3::Bucket
If anyone knows a different way to do this, please let me know.
Thank you
I decided to go a different route, I used this code to accomplish what I wanted to do.
value=$(aws s3 ls bucket/dir1/dir2/ -- recursive --human-readable --summarize | grep .file type | wc -l)
if [ $value -gt 1000 ];
echo "$value Warning"
exit 2
Thank you Everyone for the help