
how to link to plantuml diagram in doxygen?

I'd like to add some UML diagrams to my *.dox document, with these requirements:

How can I achieve this goal?


  • I believe this is currently not possible, there is no command similar to @dotfile, @mscfile or @diafile which does this for dot, msc or dia source files. But if you want to reuse the same diagram in different pages of the documentation you can let doxygen generate a png file from the code and just include the png file:

    \startuml [{file}] ["caption"] [<sizeindication>=<size>]
    @startuml{myimage.png} "Image Caption" width=5cm

    I did not try this, but this way you might workaround this, you could create an extra page in a .h, .dox or .txt file containing a doxygen comment, where you put all your diagrams in. From this file doxygen generates the png files. Those png files you might embed using the @image command.