Using vagrant/zsh. Installed tmuxinator
➜ ~ gem list tmuxinator
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
tmuxinator (0.9.0)
Set completion
➜ ~ ls ~/.bin
source ~/.bin/tmuxinator.zsh
But when run tmuxinator
➜ ~ tmuxinator
zsh: command not found: tmuxinator
use tmuxinator doctor
to check if everything properly installed and setup.
I installed on a fresh vagrant ubuntu box the tmuxinator. I had to export my editor and shell variables. I ran tmuxinator doctor which told me everything was fine:
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 ~ ❯❯❯ tmuxinator doctor ⏎
Checking if tmux is installed ==> Yes
Checking if $EDITOR is set ==> Yes
Checking if $SHELL is set ==> Yes
I didn't have to fuss with tmuninator.zsh to start it. Note the exe is located in:
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 ~ ❯❯❯ which -a tmuxinator ⏎