it should be easy, but I couldn't find a proper solution. for the first level keys:
resource.public_send("#{key}=", value)
but for
I know that I can get it like the following:
''.split('.').inject(resource, :send)
but how to set the value to the last variable assuming that I don't know the nesting level, it may be second or third.
is there a general way to do that for all levels ? for my example I can do it like the following:
resource.public_send("fofo").public_send("bar").public_send("lolo=", value)
Answer for hashes, just out of curiosity:
hash = { a: { b: { c: 1 } } }
def deep_set(hash, value, *keys)
keys[0...-1].inject(hash) do |acc, h|
acc.public_send(:[], h)
end.public_send(:[]=, keys.last, value)
deep_set(hash, 42, :a, :b, :c)
#⇒ 42
#⇒ { a: { b: { c: 42 } } }