
How can I hide the address bar in a modal dialog?

How can I hide the address bar (location bar ) in a modal dialog? Here is my code:

var dialogFeatures = 'center:yes; dialogWidth:600px; location:no;dialogHeight:400px; edge:raised; help:no; resizable:no; scroll:no; status:no; statusbar:no; toolbar:no; menubar:no; addressbar:no; titlebar:no;';
newwindow2 = window.showModalDialog('Combo?start1=' + calEvent.start + '&end1=' + calEvent.end + '&ownerType=' + < %= ApplicationConstants.OWNER_TYPE_CALENDAR % > , 'app', dialogFeatures);


  • You can't.

    Hiding the address bar is disallowed in most browsers, for security reasons.