
Iterate all coprime pairs using constant space?

I can generate all coprime pairs by following the ternary-tree algorithm listed on wikipedia:


Start with two coprime branches: (2,1), (3,1), then iterate:
Branch 1: (2m-n,m)
Branch 2: (2m+n,m)
Branch 3: (m+2n,n)

However the space used will grow by a factor of three for each pair produced (and say printed, or otherwise not kept in memory).

Here might be a solution in haskell: Generating sorted list of all possible coprimes

But I was looking for something in python, which does not have lazy evaluation or infinite lists.


  • This uses logarithmic space, maybe that's good enough? And it's linear time (uses O(k) time to produce the first k pairs).

    def coprimes():
        yield (2, 1)
        yield (3, 1)
        for m, n in coprimes():
            yield (2*m - n, m)
            yield (2*m + n, m)
            yield (m + 2*n, n)

    You can read more about such self-recursive generators in these articles by David Eppstein:

    Demo showing the first 20 pairs:

    >>> pairs = coprimes()
    >>> for _ in range(20):
    (2, 1)
    (3, 1)
    (3, 2)
    (5, 2)
    (4, 1)
    (5, 3)
    (7, 3)
    (5, 1)
    (4, 3)
    (8, 3)
    (7, 2)
    (8, 5)
    (12, 5)
    (9, 2)
    (7, 4)
    (9, 4)
    (6, 1)
    (7, 5)
    (13, 5)
    (11, 3)

    Demo showing the billionth pair, which takes my PC about 4 minutes while the memory usage of the Python process stays at the 9.5 MB baseline that any Python process takes me at least.

    >>> from itertools import islice
    >>> next(islice(coprimes(), 10**9-1, None))
    (175577, 63087)