
How to get a SRS/CRS name from geoserver?

I received a list (XML) of SRSes by request:


then parse it and get a list of EPSG codes like "EPSG:1234"

How I can now get a name of specific SRS like "Pulkovo 1942 / Gauss-Kruger zone 13" for "EPSG:28413"?

...or may be I can do it by OpenLayers API?


  • OGC services do not provide such facilities, they are built under the assumption that you have a EPSG database already available in the client. You can try using some free online service to get to a name (with the perils of a service that is not guaranteed to be available 24x7 of course), like:

    A better solution production wise, if you are using GeoServer, is probably to create a WPS process in GeoServer that would do the same job (or create a REST service of your own based on other open source libraries).