
Adding a new homepage to Drupal

I'm just getting started with Drupal and have added my preferred modules. I have also added my front-end framework module - which is Foundation Zurb. Now I'd like to change the default blog-like structure of the site and would like to add a custom developed homepage.

I've been trying to put my head around this for over 3 days with no success. I followed the direction on the Drupal docs - which is a bit confusing and rigid but something I don't grasp is does the page--front.tpl.php actually end up being the home page? Also where would I put my css and other js scripts?

If this is the case then what would I need to do to add a navigation to this homepage which would then provide links to my site? Some mind opening guidance is welcome


  • You can set any node in any content type to be the home page. So first create your content type, then node in that type.

    Then go to Confugration -> System -> Site information in admin menu and there you have Front page section. Add your page path to "Default front page" field and that's it - your page will become new home page.