I haven't used before a SAT solver, so I started to learn how to use SAT4J. Mostly, I am using its API, but I am finding hard to understand sometimes what some arguments (in classes or methods) mean or what their format/type is acceptable. For example:
public BinaryClause(IVecInt ps, ILits voc)
My question is if there are some usage examples, which can help me more in understanding the implemented features in SAT4j?
Thank you in advance!
You can find some usage examples of most features in the unit tests: http://www.sat4j.org/maven234/org.ow2.sat4j.core/xref-test/index.html
BinaryClause class is not meant to be used by end users: http://www.sat4j.org/maven234/org.ow2.sat4j.core/apidocs/index.html
We try to maintain user level doc up to date. The developer level may change over time, to may lack documentation.