I am trying to implement Google Places Autocomplete in Vue.js.
The API states that the Autocomplete
class first takes an inputField:HTMLInputElement
, as used in their example:
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
/** @type {!HTMLInputElement} */(document.getElementById('autocomplete')),
{types: ['geocode']});
Since we cannot pass elements around by their ID's in Vue.js? How would this be achieved, and what kind of construct would we pass?
e.g. the following code fails
<input id="autocomplete" placeholder="Enter your address" type="text"></input>
export default {
created() {
var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
/** @type {!HTMLInputElement} */(document.getElementById('autocomplete')),
{types: ['geocode']});
with error:
InvalidValueError: not an instance of HTMLInputElement
Ok so following Matthew Jibin's suggestion to use ref
, I got it to show up. Lots more to do but initial hurdle overcome.
<input ref="autocomplete"
placeholder="Enter your address"
export default {
mounted() {
var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
/** @type {!HTMLInputElement} */(this.$refs.autocomplete),
{types: ['geocode']});
One addition, from the docs:
An important note about the ref registration timing: because the refs themselves are created as a result of the render function, you cannot access them on the initial render - they don’t exist yet!
So the created()
hook isn't the right one. mounted()
is what we're looking for.