When a child of a TouchableHighlight has an opacity, its opacity disappears (is set to 1) after the TouchableHighlight is pressed.
Running example here: https://rnplay.org/apps/c0NIjQ
Minimal example:
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => {}}>
<Text style={{ opacity: 0.5 }}>
Press me!
Is there a way to mend this, or is it a bug in React Native?
TouchableOpacity works as I would have expected for TouchableHighlight (live code sample), so using TouchableOpacity could be a workaround. Note, however, that TouchableOpacity does not have an underlay which appears when active, so whatever you render underneath is what will "shine through" on press. Thus, it's not a perfect substitute for TouchableHighlight.
I'm not sure whether the behavior of TouchableHighlight is intended, some sort of a tradeoff or actually a bug, but looking at the code you can clearly see how it differs from TouchableOpacity in this regard: