I want/need one of my nodes to access a data bag on my chef server. The purpose is to get a decrypted ssh key so i can clone from a private repo. I've been trying many variations of
knife vault update data_bag item -A 'name-of-node'
But I do not see the node come up on the list of clients with access.
What am I doing wrong in this command or need to do to get this to work? I've been following this guide, but I'm not using roles.
Figured out that this command works for updating, but it basically adds all nodes and users. Would prefer a more precise answer for just an individual node if someone has one.
knife vault update data_bag item --search '*:*' --admins me --mode client
As the user in the comments mentioned, this too works and is more correct.
knife vault create data_bag item '{"itemname":"securepass"}' --search 'name:my-node-name' --admins me --mode client