
Moving From Ant to Maven: How do I setup an EAR Project?

We have a fairly complex project that use to be built in Ant, but now we're moving to Maven.

  1. There is a core jar and a variety of filter jars that depend upon the core jar.
  2. These jars are assembled into a SAR along with other dependent jars and a few XML files. I've called this foo-sar below.
  3. Another JAR is built, but this JAR doesn't contain any Java code, only a few application xml files. I've called this foo-jar below.
  4. The foo-jar and foo-sar are packaged into an EAR with an application.xml file found in the META-INF directory.

I have a Maven project with three sub-projects:

Both foo-jar and foo-sar build just fine. However, when foo-ear builds, it builds the ear with the application.xml file but without foo-jar and foo-sar in it. My directory structure looks like this:

parent Dir --+
             +-- foo-ear
             +-- foo-jar
             +-- foo-sar

The parent directory pom.xml calls all three projects in the correct order (foo-sar, foo-jar, and foo-ear). Both foo-jar and foo-sar build correctly (i.e., I've matched the results of the Ant build). The foo-ear project builds without errors, but it doesn't include the foo-sar and foo-jar files in the root of the ear.

I'm missing something quite simple here. Maybe it's an additional parameter, or another configuration.

Here's the Ear's pom.xml:


            <!-- The sar is a "jboss-sar" and not just a "sar" -->
            <artifactTypeMapping type="jboss-sar" mapping="sar"/>

New Issues

I realized one of the issues I was having is that <groupId> was set to org.apache.plugins and not to org.apache.maven.plugins for the maven-ear-plugin. I have no idea why Maven didn't detect this error before and give me build error before.

Once I set the correct group, I started noticing that the application.xml was being built even though I specified that <generateApplicationXml> was false. I realized this was happening in the generate-application-xml goal, and apparently the default <configuration> is for the ear goal. Thus, I had to specify the <execution> for the generate-application-xml goal and the ear goal separately.

Fun, fun, fun.

I have gotten the ear to generate except for one minor issue, the dependencies in the ear are being downloaded anyway even though I have configured my module information to do things a bit differently. Here's my pom.xml for the Ear:


                <artifactTypeMapping type="jboss-sar" mapping="sar"/>

And here's the Ear being generated:

$ ls -l foo-app/target/foo-app-1.0.0
drwxr-xr-x    3 david  staff       102 Jan 17 11:21 Foo.jar
drwxr-xr-x  137 david  staff      4658 Jan 17 11:21 Foo.sar
drwxr-xr-x    4 david  staff       136 Jan 17 11:21 META-INF
-rw-r--r--    1 david  staff      3905 Jan 17 11:21 foo-1.0.0.jar
-rw-r--r--    1 david  staff  50104182 Jan 17 11:21 foo-sar-1.0.0.sar

How I can configure my Ear to prevent foo-1.0.0.jar and foo-sar-1.0.0.sar from being included in my Ear? Shouldn't the <module> section of my Ear <configuration> be mapping my dependencies into my modules?


  • I found a solution. There is probably a much better solution, but this is what I found that works. It's a big, hulking, kludge. Feel free to let me know how wrong I am and the correct way this should be done.

    As arghtype pointed out, I need to add these modules into my dependencies. Doing that works. However, I found it also includes all my dependencies and downloads those into my Ear too. Considering that one of my modules I'm including is a SAR which contains its own massive number of jar dependencies, that was just silly.

    To eliminate the dependencies, I originally tried <exclusions> in the dependency description, but that didn't get rid of the added jar and sar. What I finally did was put a <scope>provided</scope> in my pom.xml to prevent these from downloading.

    This works, but there must be a better way of doing this:

                    <artifactTypeMapping type="jboss-sar" mapping="sar"/>