I have an app in an Amazon EC2 server. The app uses FAYE to work with websocket. When I run the command in the EC2 console:
RAILS_ENV=production rackup private_pub.ru -o -s thin -p 9292 -E production
The app works fine. But it is started manually.
I need to put this to start in the capistrano deploy.
My setup:
OS: Linux Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
Ruby -v: 2.2.2p95
Rails -v: 4.2.1
Capistrano lock: 3.5.0
tmux new -s faye
RAILS_ENV=production rackup private_pub.ru -o -s thin -p 9292 -E production
and next type d
It will start a faye process in your server.
To see the process that are running in port 9292, execute the command:
lsof -i :9292