I'm using jfxtras 8.0.r5 library and I have to pre-highlight some LocalData that become from another part of the program so user can see which data are important.
so I use this:
LocalDatePicker lLocalPickerADI = new LocalDatePicker();
And I put into a Grid and it correctly appear:
I have this Observable List where I have the data that I want pre-higlight:
public ObservableList<LocalDate> ADI_DATE=FXCollections.observableArrayList();
filled and passed from other part of code.
So my question is: How I can pre-highligt on the LocalDatePicker? I need to do this from code and not from UI.
sorry if I'm not clear. Thanks in advance!
JFXtras LocalDatePicker has a highlightedLocalDates list, in that you can put the to-be-highlighted dates. If you have (too) many of them, you can use the localDateRangeCallback to populate only the required dates for a displayed range.