I think I'm overlooking something simple...
My idea is to create a function in Excel that's easier to set up than the following:
(see ScottCraner's comment in this answer for that function in practice)
I have created the following UDF:
Public Function findUnique(ByVal indexRange As Range, matchRange As Range, matchVal As Long)
' Trying to create a dynamic function of:
' =INDEX($A$1:$A$5,AGGREGATE(15,6,ROW($B$1:$B$5)/($B$1:$B$5=1),ROW(1:1)))
findUnique = Evaluate("=Index(" & indexRange.Address & ",AGGREGATE(15,6,Row(" & matchRange.Address & _
")/(" & matchRange.Address & "=" & matchVal & "),Row(" & ActiveCell.Row & ":" & ActiveCell.Row & ")))")
End Function
And it almost works. Except, when I drag down from the first row, the data doesn't update. I have to click into the cell to "retrigger" the function to get the correct data to show:
(Column D is that formula, entered correctly).
But, how do I get the formula to update automatically, without re-entering the cell?
I've also tried adding a fourth Variable:
Public Function findUnique(ByVal indexRange As Range, matchRange As Range, matchVal As Long, curRow as Long)
findUnique = Evaluate("=Index(" & indexRange.address & ",AGGREGATE(15,6,Row(" & matchRange.address & _
")/(" & matchRange.address & "=" & matchVal & "),Row(" & curRow & ":" & curRow & ")))")
End Function
and enter like: =findUnique($A$1:$A$5,$B$1:$B$5,1,ROW())
but it just returns a #VALUE
(Also, how do I avoid ActiveCell.Row
, as I have it drilled in to my head to avoid using Active
Thanks for any thoughts or advice!
From this SO answer, try the following ...
With Application.Caller
CallerRow = .Row
End With
findUnique = Evaluate("=Index(" & indexRange.Address & ",AGGREGATE(15,6,Row(" & matchRange.Address & _
")/(" & matchRange.Address & "=" & matchVal & "),Row(" & CallerRow & ":" & CallerRow & ")))")