I'm writing a script with PowerShell and at some point I needed to use ValidateSet on function params. It's a very good feature, but what I need is something more than that.
For example
Function JustAnExample
write-host $Fields
So this code snippet allows me to choose one item from the list like that
JustAnExample -Fields IPAddress
and then prints it to the screen. I wonder if there is a possibility to allow to choose multiple values and pass them to function from one Validation set like so
JustAnExample -Fields IPAddress Cluster
Maybe there is a library for that or maybe I just missed something but I really can't find a solution for this.
If you want to pass multiple string arguments to the -Fields
parameter, change it to an array type ([String[]]
And separate the arguments with ,
instead of space:
JustAnExample -Fields IPAddress,Cluster