I'd like to save my gold and experience attributes so that they can be retrieved whenever the app launches.
I don't know whether I should use .plists or NSUserdefaults. What's the difference? Can I somewhere manually edit the NSUserdefaults outside of the code like I can do it with plists? The problem is, I don't want the user to loose all his gold/exp for any reason.
Gold and exp are both integer values. Do you think NSUserdefaults would be the right choice?
NSUserDefaults are retained during an upgrade. It is easy to use to (a one-liner to save/restore settings).
They are not available to anyone who could tamper with them - unless they jailbroke the phone, then I suppose people could get at them no matter what method you use.
If you are totally paranoid about that scenario, you could encrypt/decrypt the data during save/restore, but that's probably overkill.