
Graphics diagnostics tools failed to install

I want to use Graphics diagnostics tools in c# application. In VS 2015 Community, Debug -> Perfomace profiler. Then I click to GPU Usage and start application. "The Graphics Tools opnational feature needs to be downloaded and installed". Ok. Error in installer: "The Graphics Tools faild to install. The DISM installer reported error 87". And link to msdn how to solve a problem. I do all what I see in instruction, but there is a trouble at step 3. There is no components for installing. Why?

System: windows 10 corporate, Version 1607, Build 14393.447

Thank you!


  • I get the same issue because my machine is in a domain with some policy limits. After I remove the WUServer value from the registry key of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate, the Graphics Tools will be listed in Add New Features list.

    Please check whether your machine is in a domain with some policy limits. If there has a WUServer value set, it means your machine is managed by the domain policy, please contact your company IT supporters to remove this limit.