
Use context manager in lambda, how?

How can I use a context manager in a lambda? Hacks accepted. Defer opinions about this being a bad usage of lambdas.

I know I can do this:

def f():
    with context():
        return "Foo"

But I would like to do something like this:

lambda: with context(): "Foo"


  • One possible workaround for getting lambdas working with a context manager is to make the context manager a ContextDecorator, then both with statements and lambda expressions will work because a lambda can use the decorator pattern instead.


    from contextlib import ContextDecorator
    def f(x):
         """Just prints the input, but this could be any arbitrary function."""
    class mycontext(ContextDecorator):
        def __enter__(self):
            return self
        def __exit__(self, *exc):
            return False
    with mycontext():
        f('The bit in the middle')
    mycontext()(lambda: f('The bit in the middle'))()