
IntVar().trace() not working

I'm just getting started coding in Python/Tkinter for a small Pymol plugin. Here I'm trying to have a toggle button and report its status when it is clicked. The button goes up and down, but toggleAVA never gets called. Any ideas why?

from Tkinter import *
import tkMessageBox

class AVAGnome:

    def __init__(self, master):
        # create frames
        self.F1 = Frame(rootGnome, padx=5, pady=5, bg='red')

        # checkbuttons
        self.AVAselected = IntVar()
        self.AVAselected.trace("w", self.toggleAVA)
        self.AVAbutton = Checkbutton(self.F1, text='AVA', indicatoron=0, variable=self.AVAselected)

        # start layout procedure

    def layout(self):
        self.F1.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, anchor=NW)

        #entry and buttons

    def toggleAVA(self, *args):
        if (self.AVAselected.get()):
          avastatus = "selected"
          avastatus = "unselected"
        tkMessageBox.showinfo("AVA status", avastatus)

def __init__(self):

def open_GnomeUI():
    # initialize window
    global rootGnome
    rootGnome = Tk()
    global gnomeUI
    gnomeUI = AVAGnome(rootGnome)


  • I tested your code with Pymol.

    Problem is because you use Tk() to create your window. You have to use Toplevel() and then it will work correctly with trace() or with command=.

    Pymol is created with tkinter which can have only one window created with Tk() - it is main window in program. Every other window has to be created with Toplevel().