
Instagram API not working: APINotFoundError

I am using 'instafeed.js' plugin from here to show my client's Instagram photos on their website. I keep getting an error and have no idea what went wrong. This plugin used to work just fine before.

This is my code:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var feed = new Instafeed({
        get: 'user',
        userId: '2030811713',
        clientId: '2d0b703da7c14a378bc19bc04f120da4',
        accessToken: '***',
        target: 'list-inline',
        limit: '10',
        template: '<li><img src="{{image}}"/></li>',
        resolution: 'standard_resolution',
        after: function() {
            var el = document.getElementById('list-inline');
            if (el.classList)
                el.className += ' ' + 'show';

and this is error I keep getting:

/**/ instafeedCache8030560cf189b254.parse({"meta": {"code": 400, "error_type": "APINotFoundError", "error_message": "this user does not exist"}})

Please help!


  • The user_id 2030811713 is valid and correct, I can access it using my access_token.

    My guess is that the user (who's access_token you are using in script = 1437995179 @lu.kanemon) is blocked by user_id 2030811713

    Try using a different access_token generated from a different user.