
Munin ExtendedStatus option for apache mod_status is missing since enabling nginx reverse proxy

I'm using munin since a long time to monitor my server (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Plesk Onyx, Apache/2.4.10, nginx/1.11.4). It worked fine with showing me all apache graphs (accesses, processes, volume).

Yesterday I installed the nginx reverse proxy on plesk to increse performance. This works fine for my website and I'm able to monitor nginx as well on munin.

But the apache graphs stopped. Because apache now listens on port 7080 I added this to munin-node.conf:

env.url http://public-server-url:7080/server-status
env.ports 7080

Opening http://public-server-url:7080/server-status with curl or lynx works fine and I get the server status page as always.

Now I get this error when I run munin-run apache_accesses autoconf:

no (ExtendedStatus option for apache mod_status is missing on port 7080)

But the ExtendedStatus option is set to On in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/status.conf.

What did I forget? It worked fine before I added the nginx reverse proxy but this couldn't change an apache mods conf?


  • I finally found the solution.

    The URL must be like http://public-server-url:7080/server-status?auto. Added that and now it's working fine.

    Adding ?auto to the URL does change the output of the page. Without it you get a normal website where you can see all metrics for apache. But adding ?auto outputs just the values so it can be parsed better.

    Example output:

    Total Accesses: 30200
    Total kBytes: 95000
    CPULoad: .583622
    Uptime: 7000
    ReqPerSec: 4.20
    BytesPerSec: 15800.9
    BytesPerReq: 3200
    BusyWorkers: 1
    IdleWorkers: 99
    ConnsTotal: 1
    ConnsAsyncWriting: 0
    ConnsAsyncKeepAlive: 0
    ConnsAsyncClosing: 0
    Scoreboard: _W___...