I have a website that I'm using instafeed.js on which is a script that hooks into Instagram's API's and displays pictures in HTML/CSS. I only put this script in once but for some reason it's loading it and any changes I make twice. If I take my tag out or remove the instafeed.js file, it doesn't load at all.
I'm still learning with javascript and I can usually figure these problems out through trial and error, but the site is loading 30+ scripts and quite frankly I'm out of ideas... What could be causing this and how can I find out?
Here's my javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
var feed = new Instafeed({
get: 'user',
userId: '',
clientId: '',
accessToken: '',
template: '<div id="{{id}}" class="instagram_container"><a href="{{link}}" target="_blank" title="{{caption}} by @{{model.user.username}}"><img src="{{image}}" alt="{{caption}} by @{{model.user.username}}" class="instagram_image" /></a></div><div class="instagram_image_meta"><div class="owner instagram_image_meta_item"></div><div class="caption instagram_image_meta_item"><p>{{caption}}</p></div></div>',
resolution: 'standard_resolution',
limit: '30'
// ]]></script>
.. the page in question is over at https://www.bearbuttteam.com/pages/instagram