
Open every external link in a new window automatically (html, css)

I am searching for an option to open every external links from my website (wordpress-blog) to any other sites automatically in a new window. Is that with css or html possible without doing it 1000 times manually via hand as "target _blank"?

Thank you so much!

PS: sry for my bad english, I am no native speaker :(


  • Put this code in your theme functions.php file.

    function cdx_handel_external_links() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
    ( function( $ ) {
          if(this.href.indexOf(location.hostname) == -1) {
                target: "_blank"
       //Add Nofollow
        if(this.href.indexOf('') >0 ){
                rel: "nofollow"
    } )( jQuery );
    add_filter( 'wp_footer', 'cdx_handel_external_links', 999);